If you're one of the few people following this blog, I apologise for being boring, but I’m going to add just a few more photos of our recent walk along El Camino across France and Spain. We started last year when we walked from our front gate in Mézin to the Pyrenees. So this is the second stage of our 1200 km odyssey to Santiago de Compostela.
(El Camino is the Spanish name for the old Pilgrims' route that started in the Middle Ages to help naughty people get to heaven. We're doing in several stages over a few years. But why are you taking so long, you may well ask? Because it's a long way and we're old, that's why).
They pics above show:
1. Lynne on a footpath to Roncesvales near the top of the Pyrenees. Once you set out on the Route Napoleon from France, the monastery at Roncesvales is the first stopping off place in Spain. This involves a 25 km hike (for us a full day) across the mountains.
2. A great hilltop advert for alcohol in Spain.
3. At another monastery near Estella, you can choose to fill your water bottle free at either tap: one delivers water – the other gives you as much red wine as you want. (Lynne wanted to stay here for a few weeks).
4. A simple drawing of a fountain for pilgrims that only, alas, gives water.
That’s it.
I promise I’ll get back to art matters from now on.