In a few days time we're off to Spain again.
We love it.
We love the country, we love the Spaniards, and we love their wine.
Our plan is to start at St Jean-Pied-de-Port (where the pilgrims on the Camino to Santiago de Compostela assembled prior to their assult on the Pyrenees).
Then we cross the mountains just like the pilgrims did – only we’ll be cheating – we’ll be in a campervan.
Then we're off to La Rioja the great Spanish wine area SW of Pampelona.
I intend to spend a few days painting the villages around Laguardia.
Before we start on our way back home to France, it’s on to the norh coast of Spain for a last swim before the winter.
The beautiful Basque fising village of Getaria is where we usually head for.
But there’s a chance we’ll get to Bilbao to see the Guggenheim again as well.
If ‘yes’ I’ll post another blog about our second trip to this great museum.
But in case we don’t, here’s something from our last visit.
Lynne hates spiders, no matter how large or small, but even she had to admit that Louise Bourgeoisen’s huge spider "Maman" outside the Guggenheim is well worth…
Well, get on with it - well worth what?
Well, well worth walking under, I suppose.
(You have to admit that not many people can claim to having walked under a spider).
For no obvious reason I've also included a spider I drew on Borocay a few years ago.
A bientot.